Monday, February 29, 2016

Is There Anybody Out There?

As Pink Floyd asked in their album The Wall, I found myself asking where the heck everyone was in the office this past week. Normally President and Sister Mathews show up at least once a week, the Assistants are here every weekday morning, and the Carnells, a Canadian couple serving here, are here a few times. But this week it was just Elder Massey and me, and I felt a little lonely. That's okay though.

Also, when we went out to teach this weekend (which is basically our optimal preaching time now), it seemed as though very few people were home. They all went to watch a game in our area. I guess that's what happens when you have one of the biggest and newest soccer fields in Praia.

I guess there's not a whole lot of stuff to report from this past week, except for the fact that Elder Massey and I are still tearing it up with the Secretary life here. There's nothing more satisfying than doing a lot of hard work and having it show in your weekly key indicators. Not that the numbers are the most important thing in the world, and should never be compared to those of others. However, they do help you to gauge yourself and strive to be a better servant of the Lord. So it's not really about the numbers, but the numbers help, ja feel?

The investigator that I wanted to talk about today is a new one that we found this week, named Carmelito. This guy is absolutely awesome. The first thing we noticed is that the guy has a really big family, like they seem to inhabit all the houses in this little part of our area. They're all really cool, and we find more of them every time we visit there. Carmelito doesn't have a wife and kids yet though, he just lives in his own little house for the time being. The second thing we noticed about him is how prepared he was to receive the Restored Gospel. On our second visit with him, a few days after our first, he told us how since the first day we met him, he decided to completely stop drinking. We never asked him to do that. When we asked him why he decided to do that, he just said "I know what you told me was true, and I really want to follow God." That was a really spiritual experience. I really like this guy, and the more I talk to him, the more desirous I am to teach him about the commandments of God, so that he can make these changes in his life for the better. I hope to bring some good news for him in this upcoming month!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Happy Leap Day! Go leap or something. Or don't. I don't control you. But you can, if you want.

I think that's all I have for today, I hope you all have a good week! Stay tranquil, as they say here.

Élder Penner

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